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Rich - THC

A warm welcome to The Hard Compound

Thank you for coming on over to the pit lane. Well, near the pit lane.... more like on the outside of the first corner. Ok... a long way from the outside of the first corner. My living room. This is just an introductory post to let you know I why this Blog / Fan page has been set up. I am not a racing driver. I am not mechanic. I am not in any way affiliated to anyone in the British Touring Car Championship of Formula One. Well, I drive a Vauxhall which might make me tepidly linked to Power Maxed Racing in 2019 I suppose.... I am simply, a fan. Having watched a lot of motorsport from a very young age (refer yourself back to the "About" section of this website if you will), and have seen a lot of races, incidents, controversies and unbelievable driving from some unbelievably talented men and women. I also like to think I have a good knowledge upon the subject, maybe more than you the reader, maybe less. It really doesn't matter. But what has become irritating to me since the dawn of social media, is the vitriol aimed at some motor racing protagonists and the blinkeredness off some so-called motorsports "fans" on social media and on comments boards. Let's face it, we love motorsport. It thrills us, it enthralls, it gets adrenaline our going, and it provides a fuel-filled escape from the "real" world, should we wish to escape it momentarily. So why must it become a source of anger? Within this, The Hard Compound Blog, I aim to offer up reports on what I see on television or live at my frequent visits to motor racing events around the world (well, the UK at least), whether they be practices, qualifying or the races themselves. I am trying to decipher potentially veiled interviews from drivers and commentators, attempting to poke a little fun at myself and the motorsports circus that we all love, giving my opinions on controversial or utterly mundane events within race weekends, praising drivers who I feel have done well, questioning some moves that are made on and off the glorious grey ribbon upon which our beloved racing takes place, and sharing my photographs and videos of my days out at noisy, raucous motorsports events. All done in a measured, balanced, and hopefully concise fashion. With a bit of luck we may even get some Touring Car drivers or crew members on board to join in the fun. Who knows! Anyway, please do enjoy reading and watching what is to come, and remember; Within The Hard Compound there is no room for abuse, vitriol, bias or stupidity. The Hard Compound is for fans like you and me to discuss various issues within the sport we love, sensibly, respectfully and with a huge great sloppy kiss at the end of it. Thank you again, here's to the smell of burning rubber. Rich - The Hard Compound.

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Andy Kennedy
Oct 09, 2019

Good luck and looking forward to the big finale at the weekend .


Oct 09, 2019

Good luck with The Hard Compound. I like what I've seen, and want to see more! I hope we see a weekend of good clean racing this weekend.

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